Mastering AI

Alzheimer IMR Recognition

This app helps doctors detect Alzheimer’s early using brain MRI scans. It identifies initial changes in the brain, enabling quicker and more effective treatment.

by Dewi Fajar Nurfadilah

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Alzheimer IMR Recognition

About This Project

In 2013, the number of dementia patients reached 1 million, with projections suggesting this figure could double by 2030. One of the key methods for detecting dementia, including Alzheimer's disease, is through MRI scans. This project focuses on developing an AI model for recognizing Alzheimer's from MRI images, aiming to assist in early detection and diagnosis, which can lead to better treatment outcomes for patients.

Project Goal

The goal of this project is to assist healthcare professionals by providing an AI-powered tool that can accurately recognize Alzheimer's disease from MRI scans. This will help improve the speed and accuracy of diagnosis, enabling earlier intervention and more effective treatment plans for patients.

Project Goal

Alzheimer IMR Recognition

"Saya memiliki keinginan yang kuat untuk terus belajar dan menerapkan pengetahuan serta keterampilan yang saya miliki. Hasil pemindaian MRI Alzheimer yang kompleks menawarkan kesempatan yang menarik bagi saya untuk menggali lebih dalam aplikasi AI dan menguji kemampuan saya dalam menemukan solusi yang inovatif."

Dewi Fajar Nurfadilah

Dewi Fajar Nurfadilah

University Student


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