AI Mastery Bootcamp
Garbage Classification with using ResNet50
by Kendrick Filbert
About This Project
This project develops a Garbage Classification system using deep learning with ResNet50 to identify 12 types of waste accurately. The system supports recycling by providing predictions and bin color recommendations through an interactive app on Huggingface.
Project Goal
The goal of this project is to develop an efficient waste classification system using deep learning to accurately identify different types of waste, promote recycling, and raise awareness about sustainable waste management.
"Motivasi saya memilih topik ini karena kepedulian terhadap isu lingkungan, terutama pengelolaan sampah. Dengan teknologi deep learning seperti ResNet50, saya ingin membantu mengotomatisasi klasifikasi sampah untuk mendukung daur ulang yang lebih efisien."
Kendrick Filbert
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