More than 100 companies that our alumni work for
Students Joined the Program
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Join our 12-week AI Bootcamp to gain in-demand skills and land your dream job. Enhance your knowledge, Learn flexibly in evening classes.
Skills That Sets You Apart: Gain practical, industry-relevant knowledge to meet the demands of today's AI job market.
Stay Ahead in Tech: This program delivers up-to-date AI technology, practical training for success in a fast-evolving industry.
Skill-Mastery Program: Learn essential concepts and practice applying them confidently in real-world settings.
AI Mastery Bootcamp Batch 2
Mahasiswa/Pelajar at Universitas Airlangga
AI enhances education, aiding tasks like course selection. Hanif's College Course Tag Generator addresses inefficient course searches caused by IISMA's poor interface, helping students find relevant options more effectively.
College Course Tag Generator
AI for Education
AI Mastery Bootcamp Batch 2
Mahasiswa/Pelajar at Universitas Indonesia
AI has revolutionized emotion detection by analyzing facial expressions, vocal tones, and text. Alif developed this technology to analyze sentiments, with applications in marketing, policy-making, and other fields.
Tweet Emotion Detection
AI for Social Media
AI Mastery Bootcamp Batch 1
Employee at PT. Meister Sinergi Indonesia
The healthcare industry has rapidly advanced with AI technology. Medical devices, like brain tumor detectors, use AI and machine learning to help oncologists detect tumors earlier and more accurately, improving patient survival rates.
Brain Tumor Classification
AI for Health Care
AI Mastery Bootcamp Batch 2
Freelancer at Hash Entertainment
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has entered the music industry, with popular applications like song recommendations on music platforms. Song Insight app helps listeners understand song meanings by simply entering the title and artist.
Song Insight
AI for Entertainment
AI Mastery Bootcamp Batch 2
Fresh Graduate at IPB University
AI in agriculture enhances productivity and crop quality. Danung created the "Chili Leaf Disease Detector" app, allowing farmers to upload images and detect chili plant diseases early, preventing crop loss.
Chilli Leaf
AI for Agriculture
AI Mastery Bootcamp Batch 4
Karyawan Swasta/BUMN at BPR Dana Nusantara SP Plaza tembesi
The project uses AI technology for stock price analysis and prediction, helping investors make informed decisions based on data.
Trading Stock AI
AI for Investment
AI Mastery Bootcamp Batch 4
Karyawan Swasta/BUMN at Populix
Mitchi: Smart Research Discussion Chatbot helps students with research by recommending topics, suggesting theories, formulating problems, selecting methods, and planning timelines, all supported by advanced AI technology.
Mitchi: Smart Research Discussion Chatbot
AI for Education
AI Mastery Bootcamp Batch 3
Fresh Graduate at Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Down Syndrome, caused by trisomy 21, impacts both physical and mental characteristics. I developed a CNN model to identify children with this condition, enabling early detection and ensuring they receive proper care and support.
Down Syndrom Detection
AI for Health Care
AI Mastery Bootcamp Batch 4
Mahasiswa/Pelajar at Universitas Indonesia
This project develops a deep learning model using YOLOv8 to detect scam websites via visual analysis, aiming to enhance online safety and support government efforts against rising online fraud.
Automated Detection Fraudulent Website
AI for Anti Crime
AI Mastery Bootcamp Batch 4
Karyawan Swasta/BUMN at Bank muamalat, Campaign, Indorelawan
This project develops a Garbage Classification system using deep learning with ResNet50 to identify 12 types of waste accurately. The system supports recycling by providing predictions and bin color recommendations through an interactive app on Huggingface.
Garbage Classification with using ResNet50
AI for Ecofriendly
AI Mastery Bootcamp Batch 4
Fresh Graduate at Universitas Pekalongan
The concept of my project revolves around creating an AI-based skin cancer detection model using computer vision and deep learning to assist in the early diagnosis of various skin cancers by analyzing skin lesion images.
Skin Cancer Detection
AI for Health Care
AI Mastery Bootcamp Batch 4
Mahasiswa/Pelajar at Universitas Pertamina
In this project, I use YOLO for real-time detection. The project can classify waste into organic and recyclable categories.
Ecoscan (Waste Classification)
AI for Ecofriendly
Course period
Februari - June 2025
Mon, Wed, Fri (19.30 - 21.30 WIB)
Total duration
3 months
Total session
36 sessions
VP of Engineering
Data Scientists
AI Engineer Team Lead
Machine Learning Engineer
Bootcamp | 36 session
Combining Fullstack Development and AI expertise, learn comprehensively from back-end to AI implementation. Build a solid foundation in web development with an understanding of AI
Self-paced Learning | 50+ videos
Start your journey into the world of front-end development with a self-paced learning rhythm. Ideal for beginners, this course helps you gain an in-depth understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, all while being flexible to fit your schedule
Self-paced Learning | 50+ videos
Develop your back-end skills through this self-paced program. Learn about servers, databases, and APIs to build robust and efficient applications—perfect for beginners looking to start a career in technology.
Self-paced Learning | 50+ videos
Become a Fullstack developer with a strong foundation in both front-end and back-end. This self-paced learning program offers flexibility while providing a comprehensive understanding of end-to-end application development
Transform Your Skills, Become an AI Expert in Future Advancements
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Pengalaman saya mengikuti bootcamp ini sambil kuliah cukup menantang bagi saya, materi-materi yang disajikan disusun secara terstruktur dan mencakup dasar-dasar dari pemrograman sampai bagaimana dapat membuat sebuah website.Instruktur benar-benar hebat dalam menjelaskan konsep-konsep yang kompleks jadi mudah dipahami dan juga sering memberikan contoh kasus nyata di dunia industri.
Belajar Fullstack di SkillAcademy sangat membantu memahami konsep front-end dan back-end dan cara mengintegrasikannya. Materinya mudah dipahami, dan setiap modul dilengkapi latihan sehingga bisa semakin lancar. Instruktur berpengalaman sehingga siap menjawab pertanyaan dengan memberikan best-practice di dunia kerja nyata.
Tertarik dengan program Fullstack AI dari Skill Academy karena menawarkan pengalaman bootcamp yang baru dan intensif. Ilmu yang disampaikan sangat menarik, hingga membuat saya ingin mengulangnya kembali untuk bisa lebih meresapi setiap konsepnya dan mempraktikkannya dengan lebih baik
AI Bootcamp
Belajar AI Bootcamp, saya semakin tertarik mendalami pengetahuan tentang AI. Dari Capstone project saya belajar beberapa skill khusus yang sangat berdampak ketika saya mengikuti program hingga lolos di program Student Mobility di Kuala Lumpur
AI Bootcamp
Kelasnya Live Bootcamp Mastering AI keren banget. Buat yang baru lulus, mengikuti kelas ini benar-benar bisa menambah wawasan baru. Selain materinya yang berguna untuk dunia kerja, kelasnya juga seru dan interaktif. Bukan hanya teori yang didapat dari kelas ini, tapi juga pengaplikasian dari teori tersebut melalui berbagai project yang diberikan.
AI Bootcamp
Di tengah kebosanan pekerjaan coding sehari-hari, belajar AI jadi pelarian yang asyik. Banyak materi-materi AI/ML yang baru paham setelah ikut bootcamp ini, terutama di matematika-nya. Saya rasa materi-materi yang di dapat di bootcamp Skill Academy Pro bisa jadi modal dasar untuk lanjut belajar sendiri dengan materi online yang tersedia di internet.
Frequently Asked Questions
80% Seats filled!
starts on Februari
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